Did you know?
In Europe, more than 5 million people have already consulted a plastic surgeon.
To maximize your chances, Concilio’s medical concierge personally assists you for all your medical needs.
General plastic surgery is a surgical speciality that includes:
Reconstructive surgery involving secondary deformations after an accident, a congenital malformation, or a tumor ablation (ex. Breast cancer).
Cosmetic surgery to improve the appearances of an individual (without the presence of a pathology).
Among the most reoccurring types plastic surgeries, there exists rhinoplasty, breast, buttocks, and thigh surgeries. Surgeries of the abdominal wall, eyelids, arms, ears, and of the genitals are also found within this specialty.
Reconstructive surgeries are carried out following an accident or illness and are covered by health insurances.
Cosmetic surgery concerns people in good health. This type of surgery allows modification of physical appearance of an individual for their psychological comfort. This type of operation is not covered by health insurance. In this effect all charges remain at the financial responsibility of the patient. However, certain surgical interventions such as breast hypertrophies, protruding ears, or specific types of abdominal plasties are reimbursed by some health insurances.
During the consultation, the surgeon considers the demand and informs the patient of eventual administrative steps to take with social security. Social security will then determine the level of reimbursement relative to the expected intervention.
Why is it important to obtain the best care when you are ill?
Concilio enables you to access the best healthcare available to you. Our medical team will personally assist you to help you deal with any health issue.
For your health, and the health of your loved ones, maximize your chances with Concilio.
Fiche General plastic surgery
446 peer-recommended plastic surgeons have been identified by Concilio