Did you know ?
Virtually every woman is affected by a gynecological condition or infection at some time during her life.
To maximize your chances when facing an illness, Concilio’s medical concierge personally assists you for all your medical needs.
Gynecological pathologies are defined as conditions affecting the female reproductive system. Some examples of gynecological pathologies are: Adenomyosis, endometrial cancer, perineal condylomas, dyspareunia, endometriosis, miscarriage, uterine fibroma, acute bartholinitis, vaginitis, gynecological emergencies, uterine synechia, salpingitis, uterine polyps, cervical lesions, ovarian cysts, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Gynecological pathologies often present diverse symptoms, including:
Localized pain in the pelvic and mammary zones
Vaginal pruritis
Vaginal discharge
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Pubic hair abnormalities (caused by elevated testosterone levels).
Treatment for gynecological conditions can vary. It is recommended to adopt a daily intimate hygiene regimen and to use condoms to avoid sexually transmitted infections. It is also recommended to schedule a yearly check-up with a gynecologist, who can offer individualized medical care aimed at maintaining health, preventing illness, and treating disease.
Why is it important to obtain the best care when you are ill?
Concilio enables you to access the best healthcare available to you. Our medical team will personally assist you to help you deal with any health issue.
When it comes to your health and that of your loved ones, don’t take any chances, trust Concilio
Fiche Gynecological conditions