Did you know?
ENT infections are one of the most common causes of medical consultations and the frequency of recurring or chronic ENT conditions is constantly increasing.
To help you find the best help possible, Concilio’s medical team is by your side to help you find the solution to your ENT problems.
Otorhinolaryngology, or ENT medicine, is the medical and surgical specialty dedicated to pathologies affecting the ear, nose and throat (which comprises both the larynx and the pharynx). This specialty can also treat certain illnesses which affect the top of the thorax and the base of the skull. This is because illnesses which affect these areas can lead to symptoms such as deafness or vertigo, and therefore can also be diagnosed by an ENT surgeon. It should be pointed out that operations affecting the tonsils, parotid glands or adenoids can affect patients’ upper respiratory tract.
Patients can feel anything from simple discomfort to severe pain affecting the ears, as well as hearing problems, blocked ears or tinnitus. Patients with ENT problems can also present with sinus problems, snoring, loss of smell or allergic reactions. In certain cases patients can be affected by problems with their throat or larynx. This can lead to difficulty in swallowing or breathing as well as swelling or abnormal growths, and even vertigo. Patients can also suffer from facial paralysis.
Some of the most common symptoms leading to consultations with an ENT surgeon are:
Concilio enables you to access the best healthcare available to you. Our medical team will personally assist you to help you deal with any health issue.
When it comes to your health and that of your loved ones, don’t take any chances, trust Concilio
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