Cardiology : the medical discipline that studies the cardiovascular system

Did you know ?

Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in men in all but 12 countries of Europe and is the main cause of death in women in all but two countries.1

To help you find the best help possible, Concilio’s medical team is by your side to help you find the solution to your medical problems.

The heart of Cardiology

Cardiology is a branch of medicine that studies the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system and treats conditions of the heart and blood vessels. Physicians who specialize in this field of medicine are called cardiologists.

Cardiologists take care of pathologies linked to atherosclerosis, heart rhythm disorders, and vascular disorders in children and adults.

Reasons to consult a cardiologist

A patient is normally referred to a cardiologist by their general physician or family doctor, especially if this patient is at risk for cardiovascular illness and thus requires regular monitoring.

Patients who are diabetic, prone to high blood pressure or hypercholesterolemia, overweight, or smokers, are particularly at risk of developing cardiovascular illness.

Why is it important to obtain the best care when you are ill?

Concilio enables you to access the best healthcare available to you. Our medical team will personally assist you to help you deal with any health issue.

  • In 45% of cases, your diagnosis or treatment plan could be optimized
  • 9 out 10 doctors prescribe unnecessary medical acts: surgery, repeat investigations, non-compliance with recommended best medical practice
  • All hospitals and clinics are not equal. Some are better suited to treating your illness than others.
  • Medicine is becoming more and more specialized. It can be complicated to obtain reliable medical information and ensure you get to see the medical practitioner that’s right for you and your condition


Diagnosis begins with an interview to determine the personal and family history of the patient. In addition, the cardiologist checks for possible symptoms such as shortness of breath or palpitations. The cardiologist studies the latest medical examinations of the patient, such as blood tests, and takes the pulse and blood pressure measurements.

The heart is then examined to detect the eventual presence of a murmur, or heart failure. If necessary, additional tests may be prescribed, such as an angiogram, an arteriography, a CT scan, or an MRI.

Fiche Cardiology

  • Author : Florian Reinaud, MD
  • Date :
  • Author of revisions : Amine Morjane, MD
  • Revision date :

1512 peer-recommended cardiologists have been identified by Concilio